This Tours starts at 9.30 and lasts up to 12.00. The overall time is 2,5h. The tour starts every morning in the Centre of Wroclaw. You will get a short training on how to operate the scooter. On the trip you will see:
- Nowy Targ Square
- Purkyniego street with buildings of National Museum and Panoramic Painting of Raclawice
- Grunwaldzki Bridge and banks of Odra river
- Politechnique buildings
- Centiniall Hall and pergola
- Grunwaldzki Square
- Cathedral Island
- Nankiera Square with nice gothic and baroque buildings
- Ossolinski Institute
- University complex
Duration 2,5h
100,00 PLN/25,00 EUR – Person
Starts every morning in the Centre of Wroclaw
Starts in the centre of Wroclaw!

The advantages of visiting the city on the scooter
Tour the city with a guide
Each trip is guided by a professional licensed guide. Moreover, during the tour you will be using a special tour guide system.
Meet new people
This kind of tour is a fantastic opportunity to meet new people from around the world, who want to see the same place like you!
Fun of riding
Riding the electric scooter gives you a lot of fun, more than you would expect.
Discover the city faster
During the scooter tour, you can see much more then walking.
Small group
We provide the trips with up to 12 people
Best value money
Price only 25,00 EUR